About Us
Ambergris New Zealand Ltd
Ambergris New Zealand Ltd is involved with the identification and collection of ambergris and the wholesale trade in ambergris as a raw product. Through our website at www.ambergris.co.nz; we buy and sell genuine beach cast ambergris. The ambergris is sourced from our own dedicated and experienced collectors and from fortunate beachcombers lucky enough to discover this valuable material.As wholesalers of raw ambergris; we have the opportunity to evaluate hundreds of pieces each year. In particular; New Zealand ambergris is recognised in the industry for its high quality and variety of colours. Given our ability to select from the best available raw material; it was a logical progression to develop our own finished ambergris products.
Ambergris Essentials Ltd
With the launch of our new company Ambergris Essentials Ltd and its website; Ambergris Tincture.com; we plan to offer a growing range of the finest quality ambergris tinctures, oils and extracts to the wholesale and retail market.Our products will enable both the artisan perfumer and the expert to easily access a finished ambergris preparation which can be directly added to or blended with their own materials. With our direct connection to Ambergris NZ Ltd; the customer can be certain of the authenticity and quality of the ambergris used, which is so often a concern for perfumers. Our fixatives and base products will take the uncertainty and difficulty out of where to start. Just add your own materials and unleash your creativity.
Product Testing and Selection
From all the pieces of high quality raw ambergris which Ambergris NZ Ltd supplies to the wholesale market, only a chosen few are held back and reserved for further testing. In order to be “reserved” for the exclusive use of Ambergris Essentials Ltd; these pieces must be the most exquisite of their type or grade and possess special qualities that only years of the best curing (evolution) can produce. Even then, only the best of these “reserved” pieces will eventually be selected for use in our products.
For more information about collecting and identifying genuine raw ambergris; visit our website at www.ambergris.co.nz.
For genuine ambergris products; please visit our products page. We hope you will enjoy browsing our online shop for your requirements. Please check our website periodically for new additions to our product range.
If there are any ambergris products that you find difficult to source or would like to have available through our website; then please contact us with your comments.

All photographs of ambergris used on our website are taken or owned by us and retained exclusively for commercial use by Ambergris NZ Ltd or Ambergris Essentials Ltd.If you see any of our photos used on other websites or in marketing or packaging materials relating to ambergris and ambergris products, then; we have not given our permission for the photos to be used. Also, the use of our photos by a website or company does not imply that we have supplied genuine ambergris to that company OR that they can have any claim to trading in or supplying genuine ambergris. Photographs of ambergris on this website may be downloaded by individuals for personal and educational use only. We do appreciate acknowledgement of the photo source.